Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anthony In Summary

Hello my name is Anthony Cockrell and I am from Port Arthur, Texas. I am a sophmore that plays football for Trinity and I go by a multitude of names such as A.C, Cockrell, Ant, or Anthony; I would prefer the latter though. I have a fond interest in writing, sports, and anything competitive. The interest in writing stems from always reading lengthy books when I was younger. My mother would also have me read the entire newspaper aside from any homework that I would get from school and I found it interesting how powerful that writing could be. Sports just came natural for me because I come from a family of athletes. My mother and father both were respective athletes in football and basketball. A little known fact about me is that I reached national fame as a high school recruit before coming to Trinity University. That information can easily be found by typing my name into any search engine. My computer background can be described as advanced. I've been able to rapidly type since I was 11 years old and i've had a fond interest in computers ever since.

If you need to contact me, you can reach me by email: